8 Crystals For Lucid Dreaming

This week we have the amazing Shaz & Pete from Unearthed Crystals here to share with you their favourite crystals for work in the dream space with a focus on Lucid Dreaming! This is a question I get asked a lot and thought it best to defer to the crystal experts for their take on the matter.
They did the same thing with one of their most commonly asked questions which was about the Tarot! You can see the guest blog I wrote for them here on ‘What Is Tarot?’

If you’re interested in anything like astral projecting; mastering the skill of lucid dreaming first will greatly help you on that journey to the astral plane.

Without further ado, here is Shaz & Pete to take you deeper into the best crystals for Lucid Dreaming

If You Can (Lucid) Dream It, You Can Do It!

For anyone who isn't super clear on the concept, lucid dreaming is basically how we define those rare moments when you consciously realise you're in a dream.  For most of us, this realisation is enough to shake us out of the dream immediately.  Reaching the point of being conscious enough to design your own dreams is not easy but, with practice (and the right tools), is actually possible for many of us.

Experienced lucid dreamers report some seriously titillating upsides. Psychology Today puts it best, "You cannot taste fire or fly to the sun or have sex with strangers without potential serious consequences. But you can do all that in your dreams." Lucid dreaming could just be the ideal way to let go of inhibitions and live out your wildest fantasies without any real-life consequences…

Additionally, lucid dreaming can also be therapeutic, especially for people who suffer from recurrent nightmares or phobias and new research reveals a serious perk of lucid dreaming: People who have lucid dreams may have better overall mental health.  

Entering conscious dreams takes practice, but crystal healing is a great way to relax into the required mental state.  We've listed eight of the best crystals for lucid dreaming below.

1. Moonstone

This dreamy, ethereal stone directly channels the moon, a formidable force that has the power to push and pull the tides of the five deep oceans, not to mention your emotions.  This stone connects you with the subconscious mind and is a gentle, yet effective guide for helping you enter the dream state.
Use Moonstone to promote conscious dreams during the time of the full or new moon.

2. Herkimer Diamonds

Herkimer Diamonds help to relieve tensions and produce a peaceful calm. Working with these stones is said to bring visions and really up the ante when it comes to psychic experiences.  
Great for meditation, Herkimer Diamonds can help one to experience true Divine Grace and bring Divine energy down into the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. As such, Herkimers have the capacity to aid in astral travel and lucid dreaming.

3. Amethyst

Helpful in making a clear connection between planes, Amethyst is excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming.  Amethyst is used to open one’s channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience and clairvoyance and communication with angels.  It is also a protective stone and thought to reduce nightmares. Win/Win.
Use Amethyst to meditate before you go to bed.  The simple act of relaxing your conscious mind will help promote lucid dreams.

4. Covellite

A catalyst for manifestation, your Covellite crystal is both grounding and energising, a stone to transform your dreams into reality.  Covellite possesses powerful metaphysical properties, enabling you to properly harness its energies; achieving this oneness is where the magic happens – bringing miracles both big and small into your life!   
Dazzling Covellite is the key to doorways into the past, a trigger for psychic gifts and an enhancer of lucid dreaming and astral travel.  Hold on tight, because this baby is ready for flight.

5. Scolecite

The gentle, yet powerful energy of mellow Scolecite aids introverts in puzzling through growing and improving relationships while promoting gentleness, inner peace and living from the heart with peace and lack of fear. 
Hide snow white Scolecite under your pillow at night to invite sweet lucid dreaming and help marshal the intense insights often lost in forgotten dreams.  This bad vibe buffer will allow the bearer to wake full of inner peace and sweet satisfaction.

6. Apatite

Apatite is a powerful meditation or psychic awareness tool. It can clear the aura, enable spiritual attunement, and bring powerful psychic awareness.  Apatite is used very successfully for lucid dreaming, deep meditation, astral travel, past life work, rebirthing and inner wisdom.  It is a stone that promotes psychic communication, clairvoyance, and clairaudience

If you’re in the mood to break on through to the other side, put The Doors on the turntable, place a stone over the third-eye chakra in between the eyebrows and get ready for the Lizard King to take you on a magic carpet ride into an expanded spiritual dimension. 

7. Epidote

Epidote’s natural energies will help attune you to your spirit, showing you the many sides and aspects of yourself, shining a spotlight on weaknesses, attitudes and bad habits that it might be time to kick if you’re ready to follow your dreams and graduate from a mediocre existence to a truly enlightened one. 

Bringing added protection against negativity and imparting its powerful dreamy vibes, placing a piece of Epidote under your pillow or on your bedside enhances lucid dreams and restful sleep, helping the bearer to remember dreams and apply those subconscious messages to your waking life. 

8. Moldavite**

When wearing Moldavite, you’d best be mentally prepared and properly grounded, as this stone, in any form, increases the depth and clarity of inner journeys. 
By elevating your mind, Moldavite takes you beyond boundaries and supports your intention to dream lucidly.  A potently powerful stone that’s not for everyone, but if you’re looking to get weird, this could be the stone for you.

** Moldavite is not for the faint of heart. Its energies can be intimidating, and its magnetic pull can bring issues flooding to the surface.  It is highly stimulating for lucid dreaming and astral travel. If you don’t feel right holding or meditating with this stone, then it may be too strong for dream work. It can take weeks or months to adjust to its strong energy.

Curious about dreams you’ve already had and unsure what they might mean? You can find out how to interpret your own dreams here!

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Meet Hana

Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.

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