The 12 Zodiac Signs As Disney Villains

Calling all Disney Fans and 90’s kids!

Let’s be honest, we all hated the Disney villains as kids and now, as adults, we kinda sympathize with them. Most of them had the hard end of the stick in one way or another.

In this post, I’ll go through each of the 12 zodiac signs and assign a Disney villain to each. This is a fun read for any Disney fan, but also an excellent way to remember some of the negative aspects to each of the signs. Perfect for beginner astrologers, as having a character to recall each sign by will really help you on your journey.

So enjoy this post about the 12 zodiac signs as Disney Villains!


Aries has a penchant for being first. They are the first to arrive and also the first to leave, this is further enforced by the fact that they are literally the first sign in the zodiac, so they’re kinda used to being in this position. They are an ambitious, even ruthless sign!

Prince Hans was absolutely an Aries, he couldn’t stand being 13th in line to the throne, so devised a plan to marry into royalty instead, and used all his quick thinking skills to change his plans last minute from Elsa to Anna when the opportunity presented itself.

Aries have a penchant for making their lovers feel like the most special and adored human being and Prince Hans does this and more to Anna. He also has courage and confidence to spare and like a typical Aries, Hans has a legendary short attention span when it comes to love

Aries is ruled by Mars, named for the God of War so we could easily sub in Shan Yu from Mulan as an Aries because he thrives on warfare and bloodshed.


Taurus is known for their love of food, and Governor Ratcliffe clearly enjoys a good meal. Taurus can also be known for being uncomfortable around people of different backgrounds and ethnicities which is very evident in the movie Pocahontas with Ratcliffe seeing them as ‘savages’ and nothing more.

Taurus, oh your love of money and items of value will be your downfall. Madame Medusa from The Rescuers and Governor Ratcliffe from Pocahontas both have such an intense fixation on Gold/Diamonds that they cannot see the bigger picture and their bullheadedness on the issue gets them into all sorts of trouble!


Gemini are very clever, adaptable and inventive, and Mother Gothel is nothing if not inventive. On a side note, I’m curious to know what she was planning to do when Rapunzel herself got old and died, how would she continue the flowers magic?

I digress, Gemini can be very good with their words and if you pay close attention in Tangled you’ll see the verbal abuse spilled by Mother Gothel, and how cruel she really is. She is also super deceptive, not only keeping her motives and desires hidden for all of Rapunzels life, AND pretending to be her Mother, she also says all the right things “I love you most” whilst touching or looking at Rapunzels hair (rather than Rapunzel herself). Very clever Disney!


Cancer is typically at home in the home, they are maternal, patriotic and traditional so the fact that Lady Tremaine has to live in a blended family, with no man to head the house and someone elses child at her feet, I can see why she’s a tad touchy, that’s not at all the traditional household she envisioned!

Cancer can be oversensitive, negative and manipulative and we see this with Lady Tremaine telling Cinderella she can go to the ball, getting her to do a whole bunch of tasks, without ever meaning to let her go. What a manipulative b*itch!

When threatened, Cancer has a tendency to retreat into their shell and out come the claws! Their body language becomes stiff, their face a mask and then the claws can be quite nasty. Re-watch the movie and you can see this in action!


Oh Leo, how we both adore and despise you. Leo wants to be the best and to be acknowledged by all as the unrivaled master of their realm. Leo oozes charisma, arrogance and vanity so who better than Gaston with his pride and self obsession to fill this spot, he even wears the colours of this fire sign and has a pretty enviable mane of hair.
Madame Mim from the Sword in the Stone was arrogant enough to be a Leo in her own right and the evil Queen from Snow White was just as vain as Gaston, only she had someone telling her she wasn’t as beautiful as she should be which would motivate any Leo for vengeance.


When Virgo begins getting into a tizzy about imperfection, it’s a sure sign he’s got too much of his ego invested in the outcome and this is exactly what we see happen in the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Claude Frollo is critical, petty and gloomy and obviously has some deep issues with his sexual nature that he needs to work through but like all Virgo’s he has a long fuse, which makes his eventual meltdowns all the more impressive and scary.


Libra women are exceptionally tough and ambitious business women. I also considered Yzma from the Emperors New Groove for this spot as they both have their eyes on being at the top. Whilst Cruella is already there, she still needs more to fill the gaping hole where her heart used to be.

Libra also does a good job of buttering you up in an argument, so you don’t realise you’ve lost until it’s too late, hence the consideration for Yzma, who says all the right things. Even wines and dines you before poisoning you! Libra is also really compatible with fire signs, like Sagittarius where you’ll find her much younger lover Kronk to be!


Scorpio is known for their intensity and their penchant for things that are hidden and taboo. They can be secretive, manipulative and often seen as a magician, able to transcend the laws of nature to achieve transformation, if that doesn’t describe Facilier I don’t know what would.

Not only is he secretly working behind Prince Naveens back to get what he wants, by manipulating Laurence, he also transcends the laws of nature by transforming Prince Naveen into a Frog and Laurence into Prince Naveen. Wow.

Dr Facilier or the Shadow Man, works in the shadows of taboo and things unseen. Tarot, voodoo, crystal balls and working with spirits on the other side, he’s definitely under Pluto’s vibes.
Of all the signs, Scorpio grasps the full weight of death and the value it brings to life. There is no coincidence that Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos both fall during Scorpio season.


Oh, Sagittarius, how can there be an evil version of this happy sign!
Easy, see Jafar from Aladdin!
Sagittarius may be the easy going, fun loving sign of the zodiac but don’t let that fool you into believing there isn’t darkness beneath the surface! A Sag on a bad day are often crude, blunt, arrogant, superior, intolerant know it alls!
(Say that 10 times fast!)

Another possibility for this slot would be Kronk from the emperors new groove (although he’s not technically the main villain of the movie). Kronk embodies the more lighthearted aspects of this sign such as athleticism, clownishnesh (is that even a word?) and laughing at his own jokes.


Saturn rules Capricorn, which gives an underworld vibe to the sign. Hades and the Horned King from the Black Cauldron would all fit in here but so would Bill Sykes from Oliver and Company due to Capricorns penchant for power and control when it comes to business.
The symbol for Capricorn is the mythical sea goat and if we just pop some horns on Hades, he’d fit perfectly. Ursula could have fit in here for this same reason too, being a mythical sea creature.

I’ll actually place Te Ka from Moana here too, because the Capricorn archetype is actually Scrooge from A Christmas Carol, not because of his cranky, cold heartedness but because of his capability for change. He literally goes from dry and brittle to opening his heart and we see this in Moana as well. It’s the ability to transform that’s key here.


Oh Aquarius, despicably genius, iconoclastic and rebellious. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, Aquarius is never happy with the status quo and often holds radically different views from their peers and will defend those views to the death.

They can be eccentric, tempremental, unpredictable, cold and radical which is exactly how I would describe Scar. He also manages to raise up an army in revolution against the throne over a perceived injustice, to be fair though, his parents named his brother Mufasa which means King and Scar’s birth name is Taka which means Waste in Swahili… so yeah, let’s name our kids King and Garbage and see if one of them turns out bitter and rebellious shall we!


Oh Pisces is such a beautiful sign, it was hard to pick a villain to be protrayed here!
I settled on Ursula, because she’s half fish and the symbol for Pisces is 2 fish. Pisces are also known for being at home in mysticism and spirituality so she was a sure fit in that area being a Sea Witch and all!
Pisces symbolises imprisonment and spiritual enlightenment and Ursula definitely fits the bill of imprisoning souls in order to achieve her spiritual powers.

So there we have, all 12 signs and their villanous counterparts!

Would you have changed any of them? Was it fun to see the darker sides of each of the signs?
Let me know in the comments!

Want to see the Disney Princess version of this blog? Check it out here!

Want to find out more about your zodiac sign? Check out my astrology reports here

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Brightest Blessings,

Hana the Suburban Witch

Meet Hana

Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.

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