Astrology Natal Chart and Report


This product will be unavailable until September 2023

What if you had a cheat code to connecting with your souls true purpose?
Imagine how it would feel to know exactly how to emotionally support yourself through all of lifes ups and downs.
Think of this as a way to boost your natural authentic self by accessing what makes you tick and how you can best work with your natural gifts and unique skills.

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The Details

This is a PDF report based on your unique astrological natal birth chart.

- Discover what has been written in the stars abour you and find advice about how best accept your true self
- Seek answers to what you need to be happy and emotionally fulfilled
- Explore your underlying drive and how you best express yourself
- Uncover answers to motivating yourself in a way that suits you personally (super handy to know come work deadlines and goal setting!)
- Learn what your ideal career may be and the role you’re here to play in this life

The first page of this report includes a pretty, printable zodiac wheel showing the placements of your major planets including the key 3 signs (Sun, Moon & Rising signs). This is an easy to understand, ‘new to astrology’ friendly report that won’t leave you overwhelmed or questioning what it all means (approx 13-14 pages total).

A great gift for yourself or a friend.
For babies-pre teens I suggest the kids version

For this service I will need your EXACT birth time, date and location. You will receive this personal, printable chart of the stars along with a written report into what it all means for you and how to put it into best use.

Turn around time from purchase is approximately 4 weeks.

This is more than just telling you about the house and signs of the planets, as I go into detail about the proximity of planets to each other, as well as the details around the placement of planets in the 4 quadrants of the chart. This is personalised information not available with other automatically generated reports. These reports are approximately 13-14 pages long of detailed information, unique to YOU and each chart is hand crafted, therefore these take time and care to create.

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from A$20.00